Cora Health is an independent, socially engaged platform aiming to lower the blood pressure of millions of patients
About Cora Health
Hypertension is a serious illness. Every year more than 9.4 million people die of one of its sequelae worldwide - making hypertension deadlier than cancer, diabetes, or HIV.
It's Cora Health's mission to change that. The innovative eHealth platform helps users to sustainably improve their blood pressure. With an AI-based algorithm, Cora Health aims to provide its users with personalised hypertension treatment plans tailored to their needs.
from hypertension
affected globally
12.6% of all deaths
Top patient empowerment app in the field of heart health in Europe
International team with members from various European countries
Free app with premium features (monthly: € 2.99 or yearly: € 19.99)
Awards and recognition
Cora Health in the media

mHealth Solution Cora Aims To Improve Hypertension Through Self-Monitoring
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You want to know more about Cora Health? We are happy to help!

Email: melanie@cora.health
Phone: +43 664 / 246 11 33